Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pages 108 and 109

"Oh," said the banker, "don't be so dumb,
The young miss knows exactly why.
We pay for her rent, shoemaker, and tailor,
It's from us that she has stockings, petticoats, and clothes
And an automobile for ten thousand gulden -
But from you - and I quote - she has 'nothing but debt!'"

"My God!" bellowed the lieutenant, "scandal!
I'll let my original know!
And when he hears that - upon my soul -
He'll confront her and shoot her dead!"

"What?" cried the banker with a livid look,
"What are you going to do, send us an invoice?!
Just be amicable and quiet down,
Or we'll send you a bill,
And it'll amount to twenty million!"

With that, the lieutenant was silent.

And suddenly the banker hushed too.

Then under, on the settee
Sat the sweet Miss Mitzi
with a brand new lover.

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