Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Page 111

You should see me from the back!" -

And he ripped himself violently from the nail
And struck the suitor right in the chest!

And, out of spite, he hit him again in the gut,
And then left the suitor with a dedication:
"In remembrance of your blessed-spent hours!"

And mere moments after he'd injured the terrified suitor
The lieutenant too jumped down in a flash
And, likewise, turned himself around.

And there stood in clear writing: "Dear schnookums,
I kiss you on the ear! - Your True Mitz! - "

With that, Miss Mitzi screamed "The horror!"
And ran out of the room, ashamed.

So too had the suitor dissapeared -
On account of the "blessed-spent hours."

The lieutenant and the banker, however,
laid satisfied on the settee.
And they cried: "We should be friends,
Because, so long as we like,
Both the 2 and 3 dimensional worlds belong to us two,
and we won't let any third in -
Yes!" they both yelled, "so it should be!" -

And the lieutenant threw his arms around the banker's neck,
And the banker the same to the lieutenant.

That is - only the pictures.

In reality -

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