Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pages 88 and 89

"Indeed," spoke the devil, "my good men,
Where would you like to go?"

"I'd like," spoke Faust, "to go to Greece,
Where whispers of the classic legends wisp about,
The modern is perfectly combined with the antique,
And where I bonded myself with the ghost of Helen!

"God save me from your ghost!"
yelled Don Juan, laughing,
"You're a romantic!
I've had enough of this stony guest.
I'd far rather fly to Spain
To Donna Anna and Elvire --
I'd love to seduce them once more!"

[This isn't the first time Faust and Don Juan have met. In 1828, Christian Dietrich Grabbe wrote a play called Don Juan und Faust, wherein the two legends meet. At the core of the story is the conflict of ideas between the two. This meeting is certainly a reference to the play. Source: Wikipedia.]

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