Sunday, May 24, 2009

Page 52

At my desk, I seized upon it with great pains,
Gone was all the back-breaking haze.
I began to see with your eyes
And now, I grasp the beauty of art.

So formed this master work, scene by scene.
The play discusses seriousness and humor -
Truth, nobility, goodness, and beauty -
And when you'll allow - I'll read it to you!"

"God forbid!" said the father, indignant.
"Theater this early in the morning!"
Which made the endless row of aunts giggle,
And a publisher was also there,
He wanted to hear it least of all
and let out a giant scream.

I, however, as I simply am,
Didn't let it bother me in the least.
I just chuckled underhandedly
and began in a sharp military manner:

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