Saturday, June 9, 2007

Page 23 and 24


In the beginning the illness wasn't so bad,
I was likely to recover on my own.
But as my relatives, in herds,
assumed to show their caring -
I began to have stomach troubles.
I lost some pounds. -

Now I absorbed salt from Carlsbad en masse,
guzzled baking soda and seltzer like a fool,
drank castor oil from a saucer -
and my gastric flu was finished!


In this most dire of episodes
I managed, naturally, to have everything go amiss:
I consulted various doctors,
and they all had various methods:

The first had a healing goal
He prescribed me a pink medicine:
The medicine gradually went away,
The gastric flu - that stayed.

The second examined my tongue and pharynx,
Felt my pulse and announced sophisticatedly:
"I declare you completely healthy,
But - come again tomorrow!"

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