Saturday, May 19, 2007

Page 14

So now I sat and lamented long,
And I commenced to rack my poor brain:
"Now, where can I find sinning people?" -
But gradually it began to hit me:
"If man," so I said after a short time,
"Doesn't do what's forbidden,
Then the quick and easy solution:
Forbid what he does! -
Listen well - in this hour,
Whipped up from imperiousness and mental wretchedness,

I invented morality! -

It was a colossal idea!!

Man degenerated into plight instantly,
Descended into conflict and got off track -
Since those old days my rule has thrived,
And claimed millions of subjects!" -


My head whirled. Yet diligently
Satan went on: "Every invention has
an initial requirement - the financial foundation.
So I needed a mighty ally.

I betook myself to churches and states
and with them created a triumvirate.
"My good sirs," I said, "I have developed
a phenomenal tax object:
Carnality is the height of life on earth,
This point can be counted on!

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